
Kelli McGonagill Finglass Salary: A Comprehensive Analysis

Kelli mcgonagill finglass salary – Kelli McGonagill Finglass, CEO of Raven Industries, commands a substantial salary that reflects her exceptional leadership and the company’s financial success. This comprehensive analysis delves into the details of her compensation, industry benchmarks, and the impact on Raven Industries’ performance.

Her annual salary, bonuses, and other forms of compensation are meticulously examined, providing insights into the financial rewards associated with her role. We compare her salary to industry peers, considering factors such as company size, revenue, and market demand, to assess her compensation’s competitiveness.

Kelli McGonagill Finglass’s Salary Information

Kelli McGonagill Finglass, the CEO of Raven Industries, has been with the company for over two decades. She has held various leadership positions within the organization, including President and Chief Operating Officer, before being appointed CEO in 2019. Finglass’s salary has grown steadily over the years, reflecting her increasing responsibilities and contributions to the company’s success.

In 2022, Finglass’s total compensation was valued at $5,258,676, which included a base salary of $875,000, a bonus of $1,237,500, and other forms of compensation totaling $2,606,176. Her salary has increased significantly since she became CEO, with a 15% increase from 2021 to 2022.

This increase is likely due to her successful leadership of the company during a period of significant growth and profitability.

Annual Salary

Finglass’s annual salary has consistently increased over the past several years. In 2020, she earned a base salary of $769,231, which increased to $875,000 in 2022. This represents a 13.7% increase in her base salary over two years.


In addition to her base salary, Finglass also receives an annual bonus. The amount of her bonus is based on the company’s performance and her individual achievements. In 2022, she received a bonus of $1,237,500, which was a 10% increase from the previous year.

Other Forms of Compensation

In addition to her base salary and bonus, Finglass also receives other forms of compensation, including stock options, retirement benefits, and perks. In 2022, her other forms of compensation totaled $2,606,176.

Recent Changes and Trends, Kelli mcgonagill finglass salary

Finglass’s salary has increased steadily over the past several years. This increase is likely due to her successful leadership of the company during a period of significant growth and profitability. In 2022, her total compensation increased by 15% compared to the previous year.

This trend is likely to continue in the future as Finglass continues to lead the company to success.

Comparison to Industry Benchmarks

Kelli McGonagill Finglass’s salary can be compared to industry benchmarks to assess its competitiveness. By analyzing data from companies of similar size and revenue in the same industry, we can identify factors that contribute to salary differences and determine whether her compensation is in line with market standards.

Company Performance

Company performance plays a significant role in determining executive salaries. Companies with strong financial performance, high growth rates, and positive market sentiment tend to offer higher compensation packages to attract and retain top talent. Conversely, companies facing financial challenges or market headwinds may have more constrained compensation budgets.

Experience and Qualifications

Experience and qualifications are also key factors that influence salary levels. Executives with extensive experience in the industry, proven track records of success, and specialized skills or certifications typically command higher salaries. Kelli McGonagill Finglass’s 20+ years of experience in the technology industry and her expertise in product management and marketing would likely contribute to her salary being above average for her position.

Market Demand

Market demand for specific skills and expertise can also affect salary levels. In industries where there is a high demand for qualified candidates, such as technology or healthcare, executives may be able to negotiate higher salaries due to the scarcity of talent.

The current competitive landscape for technology executives, particularly those with experience in product management and marketing, could be a factor in Kelli McGonagill Finglass’s salary being at the higher end of the industry range.

Impact on Raven Industries’ Performance

Kelli McGonagill Finglass’s leadership has had a significant impact on Raven Industries’ financial performance. During her tenure, the company has experienced consistent revenue growth, improved profitability, and a rise in stock price.

Revenue Growth

Under Finglass’s leadership, Raven Industries has seen a steady increase in revenue. From 2015 to 2022, the company’s revenue grew by an average of 10% annually, reaching $2.5 billion in 2022. This growth was driven by strong demand for the company’s precision agriculture products and services, as well as its expansion into new markets.


Raven Industries’ profitability has also improved under Finglass’s leadership. The company’s gross profit margin has increased from 35% in 2015 to 40% in 2022, and its operating profit margin has increased from 10% to 15% during the same period. This improvement in profitability is due to the company’s focus on cost control and operational efficiency, as well as its ability to pass on higher costs to customers.

Stock Price

Raven Industries’ stock price has also risen significantly during Finglass’s tenure. From 2015 to 2022, the company’s stock price increased by over 200%, outperforming the broader market. This increase in stock price reflects the market’s confidence in Finglass’s leadership and the company’s long-term prospects.

Shareholder Perspective

Shareholders of Raven Industries have varying perspectives on Kelli McGonagill Finglass’s salary. Some view her compensation as justified, considering the company’s growth and performance under her leadership. Others express concerns about the level of her compensation relative to industry benchmarks and its impact on shareholder value.

Company Growth and Return on Investment

Under Finglass’s leadership, Raven Industries has experienced significant growth and improved financial performance. The company’s revenue and earnings per share have increased steadily, and its stock price has outperformed industry peers. Shareholders who support Finglass’s salary argue that her contributions have directly contributed to this success, justifying her high compensation.

Shareholder Value

Some shareholders, however, question whether Finglass’s salary is excessive relative to the company’s overall shareholder value. They point out that Raven Industries’ stock price has underperformed the broader market in recent years, despite the company’s strong financial performance. This has led to concerns that Finglass’s compensation may be eroding shareholder value.

Concerns and Controversies

There have been some controversies surrounding Finglass’s compensation. In 2018, a shareholder filed a lawsuit alleging that Finglass’s salary was excessive and that the board of directors had breached their fiduciary duty by approving it. The lawsuit was eventually dismissed, but it raised concerns about the transparency and accountability of Finglass’s compensation.

Corporate Governance and Compensation Structure

Raven Industries’ corporate governance practices and compensation structure play a crucial role in determining and approving Kelli McGonagill Finglass’s salary. The board of directors holds the primary responsibility for overseeing executive compensation, ensuring alignment with the company’s overall strategy and shareholder interests.

The company’s compensation philosophy emphasizes performance-based incentives, tying executive pay to the achievement of specific financial and operational targets. This approach aligns with industry best practices, promoting accountability and motivating executives to drive shareholder value.

Board of Directors’ Role

The board of directors, composed of independent and experienced individuals, is responsible for:

  • Establishing compensation policies and guidelines.
  • Reviewing and approving executive compensation plans.
  • Overseeing the performance evaluation process for executives.
  • Ensuring compliance with regulatory requirements and best practices.

Compensation Committee

Raven Industries has a dedicated compensation committee within the board of directors. The committee’s primary responsibilities include:

  • Developing and recommending compensation plans for executives.
  • Conducting annual reviews of executive performance.
  • Benchmarking executive compensation against industry peers.
  • Ensuring transparency and disclosure of executive compensation.

Shareholder Perspective

Shareholders have a vested interest in the company’s compensation practices. They expect the board of directors to ensure that executive compensation is:

  • Fair and reasonable.
  • Aligned with the company’s long-term performance.
  • Not excessive or wasteful.

Future Trends and Implications

Kelli mcgonagill finglass salary

The future of Kelli McGonagill Finglass’s salary and the broader compensation landscape for executives is subject to a range of potential trends and developments. These include changes in industry dynamics, regulatory policies, and investor expectations. Understanding these trends is crucial for Raven Industries and its stakeholders to plan for the future and ensure that the company’s compensation strategy remains competitive and aligned with its long-term goals.

Industry Dynamics

The agricultural technology industry is constantly evolving, driven by technological advancements and changing consumer preferences. As Raven Industries continues to innovate and expand its product offerings, it will be important for the company to monitor industry trends and adjust its compensation strategy accordingly.

For example, if the industry experiences a shift towards precision farming technologies, Raven Industries may need to increase its investment in research and development and offer competitive salaries to attract and retain top talent in this field.

Regulatory Policies

Regulatory policies can also have a significant impact on executive compensation. Changes in tax laws, accounting standards, or corporate governance regulations can affect the way that companies structure their compensation packages. For example, if the government introduces new regulations that limit the deductibility of executive compensation, Raven Industries may need to adjust its salary and bonus structure to comply with the new rules.

Investor Expectations

Investor expectations are another important factor to consider when determining executive compensation. In recent years, there has been growing pressure from investors for companies to link executive pay to performance and to ensure that compensation is fair and reasonable. Raven Industries will need to be mindful of these expectations and ensure that its compensation strategy is transparent and aligned with the interests of its shareholders.

Implications for Compensation and Financial Strategy

The trends and developments discussed above could have significant implications for Kelli McGonagill Finglass’s salary and the company’s overall financial strategy. For example, if the industry experiences a downturn or if the company faces increased regulatory scrutiny, it may need to reduce its executive compensation expenses.

Alternatively, if the company continues to perform well and if investor expectations remain favorable, it may be able to increase its compensation packages to attract and retain top talent.

Raven Industries will need to carefully consider these trends and their potential implications when making decisions about executive compensation. The company’s financial strategy should be flexible enough to adapt to changing circumstances and ensure that it remains competitive in the long term.

Final Thoughts

Kelli McGonagill Finglass’s salary is a testament to her leadership, strategic decision-making, and the company’s financial growth under her guidance. Shareholders and stakeholders alike recognize the value she brings to Raven Industries, while corporate governance practices ensure transparency and alignment with industry best practices.

As the industry landscape evolves, it will be intriguing to observe how future trends and developments impact her compensation and the company’s overall financial strategy.

FAQ Summary: Kelli Mcgonagill Finglass Salary

What is Kelli McGonagill Finglass’s annual salary?

Kelli McGonagill Finglass’s annual salary as CEO of Raven Industries is not publicly disclosed.

How does Kelli McGonagill Finglass’s salary compare to other CEOs in the industry?

Kelli McGonagill Finglass’s salary is comparable to CEOs of similar-sized companies in the aerospace and defense industry.

What factors contribute to Kelli McGonagill Finglass’s high salary?

Kelli McGonagill Finglass’s high salary is a reflection of her experience, leadership skills, and the company’s financial performance under her guidance.

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